Zoloft Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME

My cousin got recently diagnosed with panic / anxiety disorders and depressions. The doctor prescribed him Zoloft as a medicament against his depression. When I did some research about the medicament, out of curiosity, I found out that people who aren´t even ill are taking it for weight loss purposes. On some shady websites it is even advertised as the Zoloft diet or Zoloft weight loss system.

I am writing this post to raise awareness about these so called Zoloft weight loss systems or Zoloft diets.

These people abuse the Zoloft weight loss as some sort of weight loss doping. I think this is very alarming, seeing to what point society pushes some people just to have the perfect body. Zoloft is a strong antidepressant, that shouldn´t be used as a weight loss supplement.

My cousin already lost around 15 pounds of body weight. On another website I found a study claiming that nearly 50 percent of the consumers lose around 5 – 10 percent of body fat. However the Zoloft weight loss is only temporally after they stopped taking Zoloft their weight went back to normal. There is an addiction risk and Zoloft can have some serious side effects, you can find them in the next paragraph.

Prescribe medication shouldn´t be abused in such a way, because it can have some serious side effects and lead to disorders such as insomnia, somnolence, anorexia, dizziness, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as disorders of the autonomic nervous system such as dry mouth have been observed.

Is losing a few pounds really worth that especially when there are natural weight loss alternatives? Zoloft weight loss is a reaction of your body that results from an intoxication, please don´t get me wrong with you are suffering from panic / anxiety disorders and /or depressions and your doctor prescribed it, you should defiantly take it. There is a reason why this medicament is on the market, but keep in mind that the reason isn´t a Zoloft weight loss system the reason is that there are sick people whom this medicament can help.

However if you are just looking for a fast weight loss, there are far better options then a Zoloft weight loss “cure”. Just think about it let’s say you use Zoloft for weight loss, you got to realize that Zoloft isn´t a magic potion that will make you thinner forever you will only stay thin if you keep using Zoloft, do you really want to be addicted to it for the rest of your life just to look pretty? Is a short term Zoloft weight loss really worth the risk of suffering from insomnia, somnolence, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea? No, it isn´t you should only take Zoloft if it is induced by a serious illness like depressions.
Would you use anabolic steroids? They can make you lose weight, too. Let me make an educated guess, no you wouldn´t, because we already have a public awareness of their side effects. It is basically the same with Zoloft weight loss with the difference that most people are uneducated about side effects and what can happen if you are not ill and still taking it. Furthermore if you think about it the reasons to take Zoloft and anabolic steroids are the same for some people. They strive for a better looking body (because it for sure doesn´t make you healthier, if you aren´t already ill) and for a better looking body these people are ready to risk their health. (Side note: Anabolic steroids are also used as a medicament, e.g. for burn victims and in many other cases like HIV infections)

If you really want to lose weight fast just cut out sugar containing soft drinks, if you are unable or unwilling to abstain just use the sugar free alternatives. Get a gym membership and start exercising every other day. Change your eating habits and try to consume fewer carbohydrates.
If that isn´t fast enough for you take a look at the post about the best home remedies for weight loss there you can find some natural ways to lose weight fast without Zoloft or some other supplements.

Yeah, I know that’s hard work and you are already thinking about reasons why you can´t exercise on a regular basis… and Zoloft weight loss seems the easy way out. Pull yourself together, if you are so desperate to lose weight that you would even destroy your own body you will also have the willpower to do a diet and change your eating habits.

Obesity is definitely becoming more and more of a problem in our society, but a Zoloft weight loss or Zoloft diet system sure as hell isn´t the answer!

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