Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after losing all that weight:

Self made smoothies and juicing recipes for weight loss can be a great addition to any form of diet or weight loss meal plans.  In this post we will provide you with several juicing recipes for weight loss as well as recipes to detoxify your body. Furthermore we will provide general information on juicing recipes for weight loss like how they work and their benefits. However please keep in mind that self made juice shakes aren´t a substitute for a rich and healthy diet they are much rather an addition to it.
If you want to learn about the best weight loss solution in our opinion check out this post: Click Me

1. How do juicing recipes for weight loss work?

Several vegetables and fruits contain substances that help our body in maintaining its metabolism. A lack of those substances lowers our metabolism and by this increasing our body fat, that’s where juicing recipes for weight loss come into play. Furthermore they contain lots of vitamins that are essential for a healthy living. In addition a lack of fruits and vegetables in our daily life can destroy our hormonal balance leading to excessive water deposits increasing our weight. Furthermore it can lead to high blood pressure and blood sugar.  Juicing recipes for weight loss can function as a supplement for our body´s need for vegetables and fruits.

2. List of vegetables and fruits that are good for juicing recipes for weight loss

In the following you can find a list of the most useful vegetables and fruits for juicing recipes: Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Strawberries, Blue Berries, Kale ,Bok choy, Cabbage, Spinach, Collards greens, Watercress, Mint, Radish, Broccoli sprouts, Bananas, Arugula Kohlrabi (white or purple), Mustard greens , Turnip, Broccoflower , Daikon, Carrots, Apples, Lemons, Cucumber
We would recommend that you try to get the organic versions of these ingredients.

3. Juicing recipes for weight loss

Here you can find a list of premade recipes. All these recipes are low calorie. We would also recommend that you do some experimenting yourself to improve the recipes and maybe even create some new juicing recipes for weight loss yourself.

Juicing recipe for weight loss #1:

•    2-4 inches of cucumber
•    2 stalks of fresh broccoli
•    2  carrots
•    1 apple
•    1/2 lemon cup of lemon juice
1.    Juice.
Preparation time: 5-10 minute(s)
Nutrition type: Vegetarian
Diet tags: Low calorie, fat reduced, 100% Gluten free, Raw
Number of servings (yield): 2-4
Approximate Calories: 210

Juicing recipe for weight loss #2:


•    2 tomatoes
•    2 stalks of fresh celery
•    2 portions of cauliflower
•    3 carrots
1.    Optional: Add broccoli instead of fresh celery.
2.    You could add some hot sauce and pepper to get a alcohol free Bloody Mary.
Preparation time: 5 minute(s)
Diet type: Vegetarian
Diet tags: very few calories, low fat, Gluten free, Raw
Number of servings: 2-3
Approximate Calories: 165

Juicing recipe for weight loss #3:

•    2 cups of spinach
•    5 inches cucumber
•    2 carrots
•    1 apple
•    1-2 cups of lemon juice
1.    Juice in a blender.
Preparation time: 5-10 minute(s)
Diet type: Vegetarian
Diet tags: Low calorie, fat free, Gluten free, Raw
Number of servings (yield): 2
Approximate Calories: 205

Juicing recipe for weight loss #4:


•    2 cups of sprouts
•    2 stalks of fresh celery
•    1 cup kale
•    2 carrots
•    1 cup of apple juice
•    1 cup of lemon juice
1.    Sprouts contain protein increasing their nutritional value
Preparation time: 5-10 minute(s)
Diet type: Vegetarian
Diet tags: Low calorie, fat free, Gluten free, Raw
Number of servings (yield): 2
Approximate Calories: 215

Juicing recipe for weight loss #5:


•    1 whole yam bean (can be hard to get)
•    3 cups of fresh spinach
•    1/2 apple
•    2 cups of lemon juice
Preparation time: 5-10 minute(s)
Diet type: Vegetarian
Diet tags: Low calorie, fat reduced, Gluten free
Number of servings (yield): 2
Approximate Calories: 230

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5. Improving juicing recipes for weight loss

You can further improve all those recipes by adding high quality oils like linseed oil or olive oil, but keep in mind that this will also increase the fat and calories of the shakes. We would recommend adding oil only to those who want to detoxify their bodies.

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Weight Loss Wraps

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after losing all that weight:

Weight loss wraps are especially popular in health and fitness spas as a form of quick weight loss treatment. In today’s post we will show you how you can use them and make them at home as well as providing general information on them. We will focus on the ones that can be used for wrap weight loss. However they can also be used to help with cellulite, to detoxify your body and as a method of relaxation. Please keep in mind that the rapid weight loss from body wraps doesn´t come from actually losing fat, it is rather a product of losing excessive water.  Later we will provide our personal weight loss wraps review.

1. History of weight loss wraps

Back in the day they were mostly called herbal weight loss wraps. They were first used in the 1980s and became very popular during the 1990s as a method of quick weight loss. Weight loss wraps were usually promoted as a method of weight loss for women, but they also work great for men looking to shed extra pounds.

2. How weight loss wraps work

There are several ways in, which they can help. The most helpful being the squeezing pressure applied by the wraps. They should be applied very tight to increase this effect, the effect is also enhanced by the material used to make the wraps, for example if used with wet powdered clay the drying process of the clay will make them even tighter applying more pressure to the tissue were you want to lose weight. They also help by drawing out toxins and excessive water. This happens, because the pores of your skin are opened by the wraps allowing your body to lose toxins and water, the toxins and the water will then be absorbed by the wraps.

3. Homemade weight loss wraps

The wraps can be made with all kind of materials, the most common being powdered clay, honey, seaweed and French green clay. These materials are usually available at organic food stores and spa suppliers as well as over the internet. You should mix your basic material, for example honey, with water until you have a thin paste. Then the thin paste should be applied to a clean wet linen sheet. Now just wrap the sheet with the pasted side around the region of your body were you want lose weight, it is best to have someone helping you with the actual wrapping so it is possible to apply the weight loss wraps  tighter.  (Side note: To increase the benefits of the wraps you can also add high quality oils to the paste)

4. Aftercare

After approximately half an hour you should remove the weight loss wraps and take a hot shower to remove the remaining toxins from your skin. It is also advisable to use a skin care product after the process to keep your skin from drying too much.
Weight loss wraps can be applied once a week to maintain their effect. However you shouldn´t use them more often to avoid unnecessary skin stress.

5. Our weight loss wraps review

Do weight loss wraps work? Yes they do. However they are only a short term weight loss method. If you want to look good for example at your upcoming class reunion they are defiantly an option, but if you are looking to lose weight in the long run they aren´t.
We really enjoyed them, since they are very relaxing. Furthermore they are a form of natural weight loss and can be great for your skin. We would recommend them.

If you want to know about a great long term weight loss solution, click this link: Click Me

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Fish Oil Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
This is a picture of me before and after losing all that weight:

Fish oil and especially fish oil for weight loss purposes is becoming more and more popular. It is proven and accepted by science that fish oil carries lots of benefits, but is it really useful for weight loss or are we just looking on the marketing claims of another pointless weight loss supplement? Is it maybe even dangerous to consume fish oil? After all a food poisoning from fish products can be deadly, just think about you happen to consume rancid variations of fish oil. All these questions and many more will be answered in the following post. Furthermore we will provide you with our personal review of fish oil weight loss.

1. How is fish oil produced

Fish oil is produced from the fat tissue of certain fish types that contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon. Furthermore it contains large amounts of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are both considered very healthy). It is usually available as a weight loss supplement in form of pills and bottled as normal oil, the bottled version is the less expensive one. You can learn more about their healthy attributes in the next paragraph.
For the best way to lose weight (in our opinion) click this sentence.

2. Fish oil (weight loss) benefits

The omega-3 fatty acids as well as EPA and DHA are reported to help many different diseases like cancer (shown by several studies), cardiovascular problems ( it is recommended by The American Heart Association to consume 0,5g per day), depression, Alzheimer´s disease (shown by a study of the Louisiana State University), Lupus, Parkinson´s disease and Psoriasis.

The above shown health benefits of fish oil should probably be enough to consume it on a regular basis, but how does it help with weight loss?

A fish oil weight loss study has shown that fish oil triggers a certain hormone that is responsible for weight loss other studies however came to the conclusion that fish oil doesn´t help with weight loss at all. You can find our personal review of fish oil and our opinion on it at the end of the post.

3. Fish oil dosage for weight loss and possible side effects

Usually a dosage of 3g to 6g per day is recommended for weight loss more shouldn´t be consumed, because of the possible side effects like diarrhea, increased gas and acid reflux. Furthermore today’s oceans are quite polluted leaving traces of quicksilver in the fish fat depots and by this polluting the oil that is derived from them.

If you are just trying to improve your health 1g of it a day should be more then enough!

4. Our personal review

We tested fish oil over the course of 14 weeks consuming 5g per day, which exactly equaled 5 pills a day for each of us. After the 14 weeks we both hadn´t lost a single pound of fat, however we are still consuming fish oil today because of its other beneficial properties. However we are consuming less at the moment, because to profit from its health benefits it is enough to consume around 1g of it a day. This also reduces the risks / side effects involved with it.
In conclusion we would defiantly recommend it to anyone who wants to life healthier, but if you are only trying to lose a few pounds fish oil weight loss isn´t the way to go.

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Pu Erh Tea Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after losing all that weight:

Tea is becoming more and more a crucial aspect for people who want to lose weight, because as we have shown in our post about Oolong tea weight loss, tea belongs to the most efficient home remedy weight loss solutions. Furthermore using tea for weight loss is a safe weight loss method compared to industrial supplements sold by shady figures only caring for their profits.

Pu erh tea also called 'Bo Lai' tea in Cantonese is considered together with green tea and Oolong tea one of the best weight loss teas. In the following article we will provide you with all information needed on Pu erh tea weight loss its benefits and potential side effects. Furthermore we will provide a lot of general information on Pu erh tea like its origins as well as its production procedures.

1. Basic information on Pu erh tea (weight loss)

All forms of tea, whether Pu erh tea or Earl Grey, descend from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. If a product doesn´t come from Camellia Sinensis it is no tea, this basically means that all forms of herb / berry “tea” aren´t real teas. However most of the time they contain parts of the Camellia Sinensis so the product can have written tea on it, this isn´t the case with Pu erh tea that in fact is a real tea.

Pu erh tea belongs to the dark teas it is a fermented variety of it.  It is usually produced in the Yunnan province, which is a part of China. The tea leafs are most often handpicked later rolled and fermented, in this procedure the tea undergoes an oxidation process increasing its quality.
It has been used in China for its weight loss qualities for over 1000 years. Pu erh hasn´t been known in the west till the late 1990s due to trade restrictions.

Recently there have been products popping up calling themselves Pu erh weight loss tea and even whole diet systems giving themselves names like Pu erh tea weight loss system. In fact these special Pu erh weight loss teas only contain ordinary Pu erh tea, but they are sold for a higher price so watch out!

2. Pu erh tea weight loss benefits

Because of its special fermentation process, rolling then drying followed by ageing / oxidation, it contains a large amount of an enzyme called lipolytic enzyme. This enzyme is related to the body’s metabolism, meaning the calorie amount needed on a day to day basis to sustain your weight. In fact this enzyme is able to bind fat and thereby reducing the amount of calories your body is able to absorb, which leads to weight loss without the need to change your eating habits. However this effect lasts only as long as you consume Pu erh tea on a day to day basis. Furthermore can it reduce your cholesterol levels significantly.

Pu erh also contains large amounts of vitamin C and chlorophyll. These ingredients can help your body to digest and decompose fat.

Also other healthy benefits of tea in general sum up to aid you in your quest for weight loss.

3. Studies on Pu erh tea weight loss

In 2004 a study on Pu erh tea weight loss was conducted by an American institute. Fifteen men and women consumed Pu erh tea over a period of 12 weeks losing 4 - 5 pounds on average.  They consumed 3 cups a day, one in the morning, one after lunch and one after dinner. A test group consisting of 15 men and woman consumed 3 cups of coffee over the course of 12 weeks to exclude the possibility that the weight loss was only a result of the caffeine, which is contained by Pu erh tea.  (Side note: Caffeine is contained by all sorts of black tea)

Since this particular study several other studies were conducted to test Pu erh tea weight loss. They all had the same result, being that the participants lost several pounds over the course of several weeks.
So it is safe to say that Pu erh tea weight loss works.

4. Our opinion on Pu erh tea weight loss

We didn´t test Pu erh tea, but we tested Oolong tea weight loss in the past, which worked really well and is quite similar. Actually it proved itself as one of the fastest weight loss methods, however it doesn´t belong to the effective weight loss methods, because the weight loss is only temporally after we stopped drinking it on a regular basis we got our old weight back. Similar results can be expected with Pu erh tea weight loss.

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Oolong Tea Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after I lost all that weight:

Oolong tea also known as Wulong tea is reputed to help with weight loss. In the following post we will provide a full backup check on Oolong tea weight loss as well as much general information on teas and their ability to help with weight loss problems. Oolong Tea is an organic product so every form of weight loss related to it can be considered a natural weight loss and therefore it can be counted towards the home remedies for weight loss. Furthermore we will give you our personal review on Oolong tea weight loss and if it is helpful in our quest for a healthy body weight.

1. Basic information on (Oolong) tea

All forms of tea, whether Oolong tea or Earl Grey, descend from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. If a product doesn´t come from Camellia Sinensis it is no tea, this basically means that all forms of herb / berry “tea” aren´t real teas. However most of the time they contain parts of the Camellia Sinensis so the product can have written tea on it, this isn´t the case with Oolong tea that in fact is a real tea.

Oolong tea and green tea are basically the same the only difference is the processing of the tea. Green tea is heated and dried after it is picked as well as rolled which breaks its cell structure. Oolong tea however is kept in a very careful condition to assure that the cell structure isn´t broken, allowing the leaves to oxidize. (Side note: Green tea is said to help with losing extra pounds, too.)

Lately there have been products popping up calling themselves Oolong weight loss tea and even whole diet systems giving themselves names like Oolong tea weight loss system. In fact these special Oolong weight loss teas only contain ordinary Oolong tea, but they are sold for a higher price so watch out.

2. Oolong tea weight loss

If you want to lose weight you either have to reduce your calorie intake or increase the amount of energy your body needs while not eating more than you usually do. Oolong teas as well as green tea contain caffeine, which is known to boost your metabolism and therefore helping you to lose weight by increasing the amount of energy needed. However the caffeine isn´t the only reason why Oolong tea can help you losing weight read the next paragraph for more information.

3. Studies on Oolong tea

In China the beneficial attributes of Oolong tea have been known for a very long time so they have been the first to actually perform a study on its weight loss effects.

The first Chinese study on its effects has been done in 1998, 103 women consumed it for a period of 6 weeks. Each woman consumed 3 cups of freshly brewed Oolong tea a day. The study showed that each woman lost around 2-3 pounds of body weight. However the body fat wasn´t measured before and after the study so further research had to be done to prove its effects.

In 2001 the US Agriculture Research Services' Diet and Human Laboratory performed their own research. Six male participants consumed 4 cups of Oolong tea each day over the course of 5 days. Another 6 male participants consumed 4 cups of water with caffeine each day over the course of 5 days.  The caloric energy need of each participant had been monitored before and after the study.

The results were the following:

The caloric energy need of each participant of the group that consumed water with caffeine stayed the same.

The caloric energy need of each participant of the group that consumed Oolong tea increased by an average of 70 calories per day. This amount of calories equals the amount burned while rope jumping for 20 minutes. So the overall caloric energy needed increased by roughly 3 – 4 percent.

The study came to the conclusion that the tea in fact posses beneficial characteristics for weight loss. A Japanese study from 2003 comes to the same conclusion.

4. Personal review

After reading those studies my wife and I choose to test Oolong tea weight loss ourselves.  We both consumed 4 cups a day over the course of 4 weeks. We purchased the tea over the internet since we couldn´t find it in any grocery store in our town.

After being skeptical at first, if a weight loss tea could actually work, we discovered that after the 4 weeks we both had lost 3 pounds each. Oolong tea can defiantly be counted towards the tea for weight loss (we tested more teas e.g. pu erh tea and green tea, I will write about them in the future). It also as the big advantage over other weight loss supplements that it is an organic product. Furthermore has Oolong tea beside weight loss other beneficial attributes, which pretty much equal the ones of green tea like anti cancer properties.

However after we stopped drinking it we quickly gained our old weight back so this is no long term solution, but for a quick short term weight loss to look good at e.g. a class reunion Oolong is great!
All in all we would both recommend it, but be careful there can be big differences in its quality as well as in its price. If you want to save money try to acquire Oolong tea that isn´t branded as an Oolong tea weight loss product. You can recognize high quality Oolong tea, like any other high quality tea, on its brighter color as well as on its more intensive smell.

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Zoloft Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME

My cousin got recently diagnosed with panic / anxiety disorders and depressions. The doctor prescribed him Zoloft as a medicament against his depression. When I did some research about the medicament, out of curiosity, I found out that people who aren´t even ill are taking it for weight loss purposes. On some shady websites it is even advertised as the Zoloft diet or Zoloft weight loss system.

I am writing this post to raise awareness about these so called Zoloft weight loss systems or Zoloft diets.

These people abuse the Zoloft weight loss as some sort of weight loss doping. I think this is very alarming, seeing to what point society pushes some people just to have the perfect body. Zoloft is a strong antidepressant, that shouldn´t be used as a weight loss supplement.

My cousin already lost around 15 pounds of body weight. On another website I found a study claiming that nearly 50 percent of the consumers lose around 5 – 10 percent of body fat. However the Zoloft weight loss is only temporally after they stopped taking Zoloft their weight went back to normal. There is an addiction risk and Zoloft can have some serious side effects, you can find them in the next paragraph.

Prescribe medication shouldn´t be abused in such a way, because it can have some serious side effects and lead to disorders such as insomnia, somnolence, anorexia, dizziness, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as disorders of the autonomic nervous system such as dry mouth have been observed.

Is losing a few pounds really worth that especially when there are natural weight loss alternatives? Zoloft weight loss is a reaction of your body that results from an intoxication, please don´t get me wrong with you are suffering from panic / anxiety disorders and /or depressions and your doctor prescribed it, you should defiantly take it. There is a reason why this medicament is on the market, but keep in mind that the reason isn´t a Zoloft weight loss system the reason is that there are sick people whom this medicament can help.

However if you are just looking for a fast weight loss, there are far better options then a Zoloft weight loss “cure”. Just think about it let’s say you use Zoloft for weight loss, you got to realize that Zoloft isn´t a magic potion that will make you thinner forever you will only stay thin if you keep using Zoloft, do you really want to be addicted to it for the rest of your life just to look pretty? Is a short term Zoloft weight loss really worth the risk of suffering from insomnia, somnolence, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea? No, it isn´t you should only take Zoloft if it is induced by a serious illness like depressions.
Would you use anabolic steroids? They can make you lose weight, too. Let me make an educated guess, no you wouldn´t, because we already have a public awareness of their side effects. It is basically the same with Zoloft weight loss with the difference that most people are uneducated about side effects and what can happen if you are not ill and still taking it. Furthermore if you think about it the reasons to take Zoloft and anabolic steroids are the same for some people. They strive for a better looking body (because it for sure doesn´t make you healthier, if you aren´t already ill) and for a better looking body these people are ready to risk their health. (Side note: Anabolic steroids are also used as a medicament, e.g. for burn victims and in many other cases like HIV infections)

If you really want to lose weight fast just cut out sugar containing soft drinks, if you are unable or unwilling to abstain just use the sugar free alternatives. Get a gym membership and start exercising every other day. Change your eating habits and try to consume fewer carbohydrates.
If that isn´t fast enough for you take a look at the post about the best home remedies for weight loss there you can find some natural ways to lose weight fast without Zoloft or some other supplements.

Yeah, I know that’s hard work and you are already thinking about reasons why you can´t exercise on a regular basis… and Zoloft weight loss seems the easy way out. Pull yourself together, if you are so desperate to lose weight that you would even destroy your own body you will also have the willpower to do a diet and change your eating habits.

Obesity is definitely becoming more and more of a problem in our society, but a Zoloft weight loss or Zoloft diet system sure as hell isn´t the answer!

You might also like this post: Click Me

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Josh Peck Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after I lost all that weight:

Recently one of the most discussed topics on the Internet is Josh Peck´s weight loss. In this post we will reveal the secret how Josh Peck has overcome his childhood obesity problem. Furthermore we will provide some information on Josh Peck himself, because there might be people who don´t know him.

He is famous for his role as the big kid in Nickelodeon sitcom Drake & Josh as well as his weight loss over the course of the four seasons of the sitcom that were produced. He lost about 110 pounds in 2006 even though the process of him getting thinner started before. In the past he gave some interviews on the “Josh Peck weight loss”.

Josh Peck was born in 1986 on the 10th November. As an actor and comedian he turned into a star while still being a child, which he claims played a role in his bodyweight issues. His roles were mostly limited on the funny yet obese child.

Josh Peck claims that his biggest problem was a lack of willpower at that time. He tried several “easy” diets, weight loss meal plans and even tried hypnosis weight loss. However nothing seemed to work due to his lack of willpower and dedication. So how did Josh Pecks weight loss work?

In the end he discovered what we all have to learn on our path there is no single magic trick that can do the miracle of becoming thin over night. Josh Peck drastically changed his eating habits and started doing sport on a daily basis. Furthermore he hired a personal trainer to make sure that he would accomplish his goal of weight loss, which isn´t an option for many regular people. But as you can see the Josh Peck weight loss was an all natural weight loss and can therefore be reproduced by every human being.

So how can the average person achieve a Josh Peck weight loss? First it doesn´t matter how we look, but what matters is how we feel and if you feel unhappy with your weight it is time to take action and change something. You don´t need a personal trainer or some Hollywood weight loss meal plans to achieve a Josh Peck weight loss!

All you have to do is to change some of your daily habits, believe me I know it is hard especially if you have a taxing job and children. But you owe it to yourself to feel happy! Start out slowly by stopping to drink soft drinks that contain lots of sugar, just exchange them with green tea or if you can´t life without them exchange them for the diet version that contain no sugar. Instead of putting sugar in your coffee you could use stevia a natural sweetener without calories. Start taking regular walks after meals or sign up to a gym, if you pay for something you are more likely to actually use it.  This might not be the super fast weight loss solution, but it is the only long term weight loss solution.
Just make sure to start out small so you can contain your motivation. Whenever you feel unmotivated just think about how happy you will be when you are finally finished or how you will feel when you meet people that you haven´t seen you in a while who will recognize  that you had your own Josh Peck weight loss!

Most people don´t fail at losing weight, because of their genetics. They fail because they are unmotivated or lack willpower. Set yourself small and attainable goals start with baby steps like losing one pound per week. Also you should tell all your friends and your family that you want to lose weight so chances are reduced that you will chicken out. Always keep believing that you can have your own Josh Peck weight loss!

Furthermore it is very important that you inform yourself on what works for weight loss and what doesn´t I would highly recommend using the Internet as a source of information. However you shouldn´t use magazines to inform you self, because their only interest is to keep you in the hamster wheel buying products or their magazines. This might even be the reason why you failed losing weight till this point. Magazine diets don´t work, just think about it if they would work nobody would be overweight or even obese. They are like drug dealers, but instead of drugs they are selling hope and this hope will keep you coming back asking for more or at least that is what they hope for.

Josh Peck’s weight loss success story can be copied by everyone looking to lose weight. In the end it just comes down to you. Nobody can do the work for you not even some high paid certified personal trainer you are always the one who has to do the work, the one that has to fight the hunger, the one that has to fight through a tough work out.

Remember you owe it to yourself to be happy and to look good! Even if you fail, so what?  It doesn´t  matter everyone fails from time to time even Josh Peck failed many times before he was finally able to achieve his weight loss, the important thing is that you keep going. If you keep going the sooner or later you will make it, you will have your Josh Peck weight loss.

Josh Peck’s weight loss is a great success story not only for weight loss, but also for what can be achieved if a person is really dedicated and ready to make a change. The Josh Peck weight loss is for everyone.

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Safflower Oil Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a pictur of me before and after losing all that weight:

Using a fatty oil to lose weight can that even work? Is safflower oil just one of these overhyped weight loss products with no effect at all? What is sure is that safflower oil weight loss can be counted to the home remedies for weight loss, since it is a form of natural weight loss if it really works. Keep reading for an in-depth review on safflower oil for weight loss as well as general information on it.

1. Misconceptions regarding safflower oil (and fat in general)

Many people assume that fat will make you fat, but that is absolutely wrong. Unsaturated fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6 and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, an agent promoted for rapid weight loss) are so called essential fatty acids, essential because no human being can life without them. Fat doesn´t make you fat even through magazines like to sell you that idea to keep you in the hamster wheel of trying to lose weight and the only way out is purchasing their magazines with the newest diet forms in them. However what makes you fat is an excessive amount of calories that are consumed.

They are not only a component of safflower oil for weight loss, unsaturated fatty acids can also be found in most types of fish as well as nuts and nearly all oils (e.g. olive oil). Furthermore they can be found in all fish oil weight loss supplements.

So in conclusion there are other options to gain those fatty acids then safflower oil or safflower oil weight loss products.

These fatty acids are also often associated with a lowering effect on the cancer and heart disease risk as well as lowered glucose levels. This is especially true for omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Types of safflower oil weight loss supplements

Safflower oil is available as simple liquid oil or as a specific weight loss supplement in form of pills. The price for the oil as well as the supplement varies, but in general the supplements branded safflower oils are much more expensive then the oil even though they contain the exact same substances.  It is advisable to buy the oil if you want to try it to save some money. The supplements don´t have any advantage over the oil. The oil as well as the supplements can be purchased over the internet and in certain grocery stores; you should be able to find the oil in most organic grocery stores.

3. Safflower oil weight loss effects

In 2006 a study was done by the Ohio State University to test the effects of safflower oil for weight loss. The subjects were given 6 servings of a safflower oil supplement a day over the course of 14 weeks. The servings were divided between meals and before bedtime. An equivalent dose of normal safflower oil would be 2 table spoons.

Subjects of the study lost around 3-4 pounds of body fat over the course of 14 weeks
The researchers concluded that safflower oil consumption triggers a certain hormone that is responsible for the faster and more efficient burning of body fat.

However there are significant weak points to that study. The study only had 55 participants, 20 of those participants dropped out before the study ended. Furthermore all participants have been women with type II diabetes; also they were encouraged to do more sport while the study lasted. They even received specific weight loss meal plans!

This leaves the study quite questionable for the purpose of testing the weight loss effect of the oil only. However it has been shown that it may work in addition to a healthy meal plan and lots of sport. But on its own safflower oil weight loss might be pointless, keep reading for our in-depth review on it.

4. Our safflower oil weight loss reviews

My wife and I tested safflower oil over the course of 16 weeks, each consuming 3 tablespoons a day. We used safflower seed oil that we had bought at an organic grocery store in our town. While we used safflower oil we weren´t on some sort of diet, also our jobs left us no time to do any sport at that time.

Safflower oil is easy to consume, because it doesn´t have any sort of smell or taste. We used it before breakfast, lunch and before we went to bed.

Our safflower oil for weight loss results were chastening we both didn´t lose a single pound during the course of 16 weeks. I even got heavier, weighing 2 pounds more than before this may be related to the higher calorie intake through the oil.

We didn´t notice any side effects or other problems while using safflower oil for weight loss purposes.
All in all we wouldn´t recommend it! Since it isn´t useful for the purpose of weight loss, however there are certain health benefits related to it. But these positive health effects can also be achieved by olive oil or flax seed oil, which are both much cheaper and easier to get than safflower oil.

Our recommendation save your money! This product belongs in the category of products that promise wonders but fail to deliver! The only ones benefiting from it are the ones who sell it.

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Spirulina Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a pictureof me before losing all hat weight:

In the following post you will find everything that you need to know about Spirulina weight loss. Spirulina is available as a powder as well as diet pills. It can be used for natural weight loss, since it is an organic product. Later in this post we will give a review about its positive effects and its possible side effects.

1. What is Spirulina weight loss?

Spirulina is an alga that belongs to the family of the single-cell blue algae. It consists of about 75 percent protein; as a result of its high protein it has very few calories (only 3.9 calories). Furthermore contains it more vitamins, minerals and amino acids than any other food including chicken breast and steak. Supposedly it is better and easier absorbed by the human body than any other protein source available in nature! Also it is one of the best beta carotene sources besides carrots. Spirulina weight loss is usually available in form of different weight loss supplements. However consuming to much of it can turn those supplements to laxatives for weight loss so beware!

Furthermore Spirulina contains a low amount of fat, but the fat it contains consists of essential fatty acids, which every human needs to survive.  Spirulina is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids as well as GLA, the short form for gamma linolenic acid. (Side note: these essential fatty acids can also be found in many types of fish and nuts)

2. Facts and function

As stated above Spirulina is most often available as a supplement used for weight loss, because of its very low fat and super high nutritional facts, that have been proven by science. To keep it intact it shouldn´t be heated!
It can either be purchased as pills or as a powder. The powder can be mixed with different drinks or it can be applied to / sprinkled over different foods. Since it is a natural product for a natural weight loss there is no chance of an “overdose”. A normal serving consists of a heaping tablespoon with a maximum of 3 tablespoons a day.

3. Benefits

According to a research published in 2009 from a German university Spirulina weight loss supplements may be a treatment for allergic rhinitis (nasal allergies). It helped with symptoms like sneezing, congestion and itching. Honey showed similar results.

A study from 2008 shows that Spirulina weight loss supplements lower blood pressure as well as blood cholesterol levels.

Furthermore it is supposed to offer protection from certain types of cancer, especially oral forms of cancer. This was shown in a study, too.

And now the interesting part for us, are Spirulina weight loss supplements really effective? Is even a drastic weight loss possible? Are they even the fastest weight loss method?

Spirulina weight loss supplements have shown to reduce appetite in several studies. They are in fact an effective way to control someone’s appetite, making them a viable option for every person that wants to lose weight. You can find a more in-depth analysis of their benefits for weight loss in the review section of this post!

4. Side effects

A small group of people from the studies introduced above have shown the following side effects from Spirulina consume: Headache, muscle pain, sweating and insomnia.
As with every supplement it is advisable to consult a doctor or your health care provider before using it especially before consume with other prescription medicine, supplements or even drugs.

5. Spirulina weight loss supplements reviews

While taking Spirulina on a daily basis I suffered less from hunger while being on a strict diet, which was build of several weight loss meal plans. My diet at that time was mostly low carbohydrate. I didn´t suffer from any side effects whatsoever except for a little sweating, but the sweating might had other reasons at that time period.

My wife also liked it. She felt a decrease in hunger, too. There were no side effects. However she mentioned that it tasted disgusting at first, but she got used to it very quickly.

The price for Spirulina weight loss supplements varies drastically! In some Internet shops it is super expensive so take a good look around the web if you want to purchase it.

The weight loss in that time period wasn´t an immediate result of Spirulina it was due to our diet. It just helped us to stay on track. But it was really helpful through, because we both had a lot of work stress at that time. This combined with a strict low carbohydrate diet can be a real tough mental challenge.
All in all I would defiantly recommend it if you are on a strict diet and lacking will power. But it isn´t a must-have for a diet, it just falls in the category of useful supplements.

Please keep in mind that supplements are no replacement for a rich and healthy diet. Also there are no wonder pills that will make you slim over night or at least we haven´t found them yet. At the end it all comes down to your willpower and motivation to achieve your goals. It may be a tough path till you a achieve your goals, but be assured the tougher the road to success is the prouder you will be at the end.

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Ultrasound Weight Loss Reviews

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a before and after picture of me:

Ultrasound weight loss is one of these trendy lose weight therapies which seem to pop up every once in a while. But does it really work? How much weight can we lose using it? Is it safe? Are there any side effects? Is it a natural weight loss? Is it better than any other weight loss program? All these questions will be answered in this post. Furthermore we will provide some general information on ultra sound and its development.

Right now it is especially popular in the UK mostly in London. However the therapy has been popular in the past in Germany as well, keep reading for my wife’s ultrasound weight loss review.

1. What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a sound wave that is applied in certain cycles using a specific frequency. It is used for many things, foremost for ultrasonic examinations of pregnant women. Therefore it is absolutely safe to use!

Ultrasound was first found in 1893 but wasn´t used in the medicine till 1917, when first experiments were done with it.

Today it is among the most used procedures of medicine.

2. How does it help in weight loss?

The ultrasound produces small sound waves that are shot onto your fat cells, which is basically like a “massage” for them. The “massages“ movement selectively breaks down the fat cells in a particular area of your body, whilst protecting the outside layers of nerves, skin and the blood vessels.

One of it big advantages are supposed to be fat loss on the spot, for example you want to lose lose belly fat this method might be for you. Furthermore you could lose fat on your hips or legs wherever your problem areas are located.

It is considered an option for people how want to lose weight without a surgery and/or changing their eating habits and/or doing more sport. The procedure is supposed to be 100% painless. Only very few patients find the procedure aggravating. However there might be problems with the connective tissue of your skin, see my wife´s review for more information.

3. How much does it cost?

Ultrasound weight loss therapies aren´t cheap they usually cost between $500- $1000. This is due to the fact that ultrasound machines are quite expensive. Also there is a special certification needed to use them as a therapist. Furthermore ultrasound weight loss centers are rare and with little competition they can ask higher prices.
It seems like quick weight loss has its price.

4. Ultrasound weight loss reviews / does it work? (By my wife)

I heard about ultrasound weight loss at the TV news and I immediately thought that sounds too good to be true. However I tried it, I had six sessions over the course of three weeks. For these sessions I paid $850, which my husband and I considered very expensive. Nonetheless I was very desperate to lose some weight at that time so I tried it out. One session takes about 3 hours.
Over the course of three weeks I lost about 5 pounds of fat, which I considered quite well at that time. However after the sessions had ended I went back to my old weight in no time, maybe one week at the most.

My sister also tried it with very similar results. She had twelve sessions over six weeks and lost 8 pounds. Two weeks after the sessions were over she had returned to her old weight. Furthermore she got skin problems, her skin is now somewhat loser then before. This is the main reason why I would never do it again, since having skin problems is a total nightmare for me. The reason for this might be that the therapy has weakened the connective tissue of her skin. Other side effects couldn´t be spotted by anyone of us. She paid around $1000 for her ultrasound weight loss.

A friend of mine tried ultrasound weight loss also.  She had 16 sessions over the course of 8 weeks and last around 6 pounds paying $900. Her weight returned to normal after 1 week, too. However she had great results with her cellulite, which is now basically nonexistent anymore!

It seems like the skill level of the physician doing the procedure is very important, so if you want to do it pick wisely. The prices of the therapy doesn´t seem to indicate its quality. Furthermore you should keep in mind that ultrasound weight loss is fairly new and there might be some drastic improvements in the procedure in the future. But at the moment it just seems to be a quick money maker for the physicians who perform it like acupuncture weight loss. If you hope for an extreme weight loss you will most definitely be disappointed! At least it seems to be a natural weight loss for a short period of time.

All in all I wouldn´t recommend ultrasound weight loss to anyone. You just don´t get enough for the expenses. I mean if you are very wealthy and want to look better for a short period of time this might be an option, but for an average Jane this is just a waste of money! Better save you money and buy new pair of Jogging shoes or a home trainer!

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Best Home Remedies For Weight Loss

We made it! My husband and I lost 38kg (84lbs.) together. If you want to know how we did it check out this article: CLICK ME
Here is a picture of me before and after losing all that weight:

In the following you can find a list of the best home remedies for weight loss. Home remedies have the big advantage that they are based on the experience of generations and therefore proven. Furthermore they are all natural and organic giving them a better compatibility with our body then any industrial product.

Don´t make the mistake to think that they are just a product of habit and tradition! They are indeed very potent and can help you a lot in your weight loss quest. Sadly a lot of people don´t know about them and they are also not found in most magazines, because there is no buying market for them.  Effective home remedies for weight loss can be easily produced at home at a very low cost.

The List contains nearly all effective home remedies for weight loss that my wife and I know about. It contains only natural/ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss. All remedies on the list have been tested and worked!

Here you can find a list of home remedies for weight loss:

1. Lemon Juice (in hot water)

Before breakfast press out a fresh organic lemon in a cup of hot not cooking water and drink it. The bittern part of the lemon juice increases the anti-toxic function of the liver helping you to lose weight fast. Typically you can expect to lose one pound per week when you start, this will work for about three to four weeks after that the body gets used to the effect of the lemon juice. This effect has also been proven by science, for this reason most weight loss supplements contain lemon extract.

This is probably one of the best home remedies for weight loss fast.

2. Green Tea

Green Tea not only contains many anti-oxidants, which will keep you young and healthy. It also contains many substances that will help you lose excessive water in your body, which will give you a better   shape and help you to lose weight.

3. Don´t Eat After 18.00 p.m.

When you go to bed the metabolism of your body will decrease meaning it will need less energy and therefore burn less calories. This leads to the conclusion that eating before you go to bed can make you fat. You should especially try to avoid carbohydrates before you go to bed. Carbohydrates are for example included in sugar, bread and pasta. This combined with lemon juice will guarantee you the best weight loss effect possible. Those two are the best home remedies for weight loss!

4. FDH (a German remedy for weight loss)

FDH stand for Friss die Hälfte, which translates to eat the half. This belongs to the home remedies for weight loss that should be used carefully. Reducing you calorie intake by fifty percent can have a dramatic effect on your energy levels and should therefore only be used if you have holidays and you don´t need to go to work or perform other tasks that need a lot of energy. However it is probably the most effective/the best home remedy for weight loss.
If you want to use this approach we would recommend that you start out by slowly reducing your calorie intake and combine it with other home remedies for weight loss that are outlined in this post.

5. More Sport

This one is pretty self explanatory, however it is easier said than done, in any case make sure to start out slow. A good option would be to do a daily routine of push and sit ups, Jogging and rope jumping are also viable options. The best exercise to lose weight however is swimming; it burns twice as much calorie as Jogging. Furthermore it is much easier on the tendons then every other sport and even a very obese person can do it.

Doing more sport is probably one of the most natural home remedies for weight loss! But keep in mind that it shouldn´t be overdone, everything is only healthy till a certain point at which it starts to become quite the opposite.

If you haven´t done any sport in years starting to walk your dog one to two times a day is already a good start! Just scale your activities to your needs. Joining a walking/Jogging group is also a great idea, because the group will keep you motivated furthermore you might make some new friends, which is always great!

Now that we are at the end of the list I want to share some general advice on home remedies for weight loss with you. Reading this whole post was already a good start, but now it is time to take action! Choose one or all of the outlined home remedies for weight loss and test them. No two humans are the same what works for me might not work for you and the other way around. If you just can´t drink lemon juice in hot water then simply don´t, there might be a reason why your body doesn´t want you to drink it (side note: don´t add honey or sugar to it, this would destroy the whole idea of it!). Instead just try one of the other methods; you deserve to have your dream figure! But keep in mind that everything in life comes at a price in this case the price is trying!

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